Saturday, September 18, 2010

A Target Run

Yesterday we did what we now refer to as "a Target Run". LOL.
I got these FREE! Actually I made money on these: Tide are 97¢ each and coupons were $1.00 each (3¢ profit each). The Glade starter kit was $5.04 and the coupon was $6.00 (a 96¢ profit!). The Oreo's were just free.

Vaseline Lotions $2.99 each - I paid $49¢ each
Glade Sprays $2.34 each - I paid $34¢ each
Glade Carpet Powder $2.89 - I paid $1.14
Suave 99¢ each - I paid 24¢ each
Gillette Body Wash $3.54 - I paid $1.54
Right Guard 2pk $4.00 - I paid $1.00
Yakisoba 99¢ - I paid 49¢ each
Friskies Treats reg $1.49 on sale $1.34 - I paid $34¢ each
Total Value $40.14 > I paid $7.82

Earlier we had stopped at Wal- mart where I got 2 bottles of Gain free and 1 can of cat food free.
The Gain was 97¢ each less the $1.00 coupon on each netting me a profit of 6¢ LOL.
The cat food was 60¢
The Dentasticks were $2.98- I paid 98¢

Total Value $6.12 - I paid  $1.58

Junkyard Finds
Dave had a "find" this week! Yep another Wilton pan! Just needed a good wash!

I started aggressively attacking the clutter in the basement and around the house. We are hopefully having a yard sale in the next 2 weeks. Whatever is left over will be donated. I need to make room in the basement. We are planning to put a water closet (toilet & sink) in. We also are replacing the drain pipe under the floor to the main line. Yes a major project for the winter.

As for my hip problems - there are good days and bad days! The medicine is no "wonder drug" that is for sure!
Have a good evening!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

I'm back!

I went to the doctor last week. I have been waking in the night with unbearable pain in my hips and thighs for about a month. I assumed I had "restless leg syndrome" since the commercials described it the same. LOL.
No I do not have it. However it is worse. I will have to have both hips replaced! Of course we will be trying all the latest treatments to put this off as long as we can as I am so "young" (at least when it comes to hip replacement). I had my first full nights sleep last Sunday. It has been at least 3 months (maybe more) that I have slept through the night.
The new medication is not a pain pill as I have been taking Darvocet and was still in pain. It is what is called an NSAID. I am hoping it continues to work.
Though I am sleeping through the night I am still in a lot of pain. I took some time away from my computor because even sitting is painful. It's probably the chair. I am trying to figure a laptop into our finances. I can then sit in my recliner which I have less pain using. I don't have a fairy godmother to buy me one so I will continue here until the pain is too much.
Anyway - last week I did not shop. Today I did go out for the "weekly needs" and sale items. I did get some good deals. Also one day this week I stopped at Walgreens and got some deals too.
This was Walgreens: Cookies reg $1.99 each on sale 99¢ each less coupons 49¢ each
The Vaseline they paid me a penny each after my coupons!

Our Family Pasta reg $1.28 each on sale 99¢ after coupons I paid 74¢ each
Our Family Fruit Cocktail reg $1.28 each on sale 68¢ each after coupons I paid 38¢ each
B.C Potatoes reg 1.79 each on sale 98¢ each after coupons I paid 49¢ each
Crescent Rolls reg $1.89 each on sale $1.48 each after coupons I paid 68¢ each
Pizza Rolls 40 ct (not shown) reg $3.98 on sale $2.88 after coupons I paid $2.08 each
Total Value $32.18 > I paid $14.26

Plus: I got a coupon at checkout for $1.00 off my next grocery purchase.

Junkyard Finds

Dave had a "find" at work last week also.
Another Wilton cake pan just needs a good washing!

Thanks for stopping in. Have a good evening.