Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Vacation Wednesday's

 I started taking Wednesday off last week, to spend time with my son. He is so bored all day being on summer break.
 We are not taking a vacation this year because of the turbulent weather everywhere. We hope to get back to Tybee Island next year though (and I am going to try hard to save the money to rent a condo this time on the beach).
Last Wednesday we went to Joslyn Museum in Omaha, Ne. (accross the river from us). Joslyn Museum  We love museums and they have some very beautiful paintings and exhibits there. An FYI on Saturdays you can visit for free!
We also visited the oldest cemetary in our town here. I had not been there since I was a teenager. It was absolutely awesome.  (My son and I love old cemetaries).

Today we went to the "Bodies The Exhibition". Very expensive but very interesting. For those not familar with this they are preserved human bodies opened up so you can see what is inside of us. Here is a link Bodies The Exhibition. My son held a human brain in his hands and said he couldn't wait to tell his dad. LOL!
That didn't take as long to see as we thought so I decided to take him up to the oldest part of the city which before being annexed was Florence. Here we found an old Mill that was established by Brighom Young and is now a museum. It was free but they take donations (yes I donated). In the upper part is an Art Gallery. It was a very interesting place and the woman was delightful to chat with. They have a Farmers Market type thing on Sunday's she said so we are planning on returning then. There is also another museum in the area that is only open on weekends. We plan to stop at that. Florence Mill
We also discovered the Mormon Trails Center Museum. It was totally free and very interesting. I had no idea about their history. I love history and they very kindly gave me a Book of Mormon, which I do plan on reading. I declined the missionary visit though. Mormon Trails Museum
Finally, I took my son to Hummel Park.  I had not been there in over 20 years. Check out this link Hummel Park. I had only been there at night also. It was almost as creepy in the daytime I found, but, we love creepy. LOL! We will be going back with our camera's soon to take pictures of the "morphing stairs" (LOL) and the beautiful views.
So if you are ever in Omaha, Ne. These are just a few of the inexpesive historical places to visit.

                                                               From The Garden
Picked another mess of green beans. A friend at work gave me the best resipe for them. They are in the crock pot as we speak! Smell so yummy!
Put raw bacon (cut in 1 in pieces) on the bottom of the crock pot (as much as you want)
Next put in potatoes (about 1in cubes)  as much as you want but leave room for the beans)
Then snap your beans and put them on top.
I add about a 1/2 cup of water
Put lid on and cook until potatoes are done. I stir them about the last 1-2 hours
If you put them on in morning I suggest on low if you start them after noon as I did put them on high and turn down when potatoes are done.

I made this with the first mess of green beans and it "was to die for". Dave couldn't get enough and went on and on about it.

Flipping It For $$

Got this at a church rummage for 50¢  sold on Craigslist for $5.00

Found on curb - sold on Craigslist  $20.00

Dave brought this hood ornament home (found at work) I sold on ebay for $28.00

Thanks for stopping by. Have a good evening.


  1. Neat finds. Btw way, came through the Mommy Loop Follow Comment.

  2. You have a good eye for stuff! Wish my rummaging led to that sort of profit ;).

    Stopping in from Mom Loop

  3. We have alot in common! I love thrift stores and I love gardening! :)

  4. Coming by from the mom loop ~ your green beans look fantastic!

  5. Green beans from the garden are so delicious. We had some tonight, too. That recipe with the bacon and in a crockpot sounds delicious and fuss-free, two of the best things in a recipe!!
