Saturday, May 8, 2010

Yard Sale Saturday

We had a great time at the "city wide" yard sales in the next town. We got some great deals and filled up the back of the truck LOL.
My son picked up that cool picture for 50¢. I got that pet carrier for only $3.00
We have looked at many aquariums with extras for our pets (hamster and rats) and have not found one for less than $30.00 (at yard sales).
We found this aquarium with cage topper and  the extras for only $10.00

It came with alot of extras not pictured. We fixed up our hamsters cage with some of the stuff. The rats are lovin it!

I found this adorable frog for my garden for 50¢.
These old Dr. Seuss glasses for 10¢ each.
I think I may have to keep that "Grinch" one for myself ( I just adore him)! LOL.

this box of edging for only $3.00, last year I bought 20 feet (at Menards on sale) and it cost me almost $20.00, this is 120 feet! :)

Wilton Elmo cake pan for $1.00
Another shelf to match the others I have picked up for my kitchen, with that green ivy. This one has hooks. It was $1.00 (one hook needs a bit of straightening - no problem).
An Anne Rice book for 25¢, she is one of my fave writers and I have never read this one. I also collect her books. I was eyeing this new "vampire" series book at Barnes and Noble recently but won't spent $16.00 for it. This one is new for $1.00, can't wait to read them both!

A BIG bag of cookie cutter for $1.00 (see all those vintage tin copper colored ones). Well worth the buck!

Tupperware for 25¢ ( I can't pass up cheap priced Tupperware for some reason). A car charger for my phone. NEW in package 50¢. I have been looking at these and they want $25.00 for them at my service provider. Jeez!

This recipe box was 40¢ (odd price LOL). After looking up the others on ebay that I picked up last week, I discovered there is a market for these vintage ones.

Wow it was a fun day. Great deals!  Weather couldn't make up it's mind, sunny then cloudy, windy and cloudy then back to sunny and windy. The only steady part was that it was cold. When we started out on our adventure it was like 47 degrees.

Yes I did work on the bathroom after , like I said I would. I also got the light fixture primered and that flower pot primered also. I will have pictures of their outcomes soon.
It is late and I am tired.

Thanks for stopping and I hope you had a great deal day too!


  1. Those Dr. Seuss glasses are awesome! Nice "junk in the truck" shot too. :)

  2. Thanks. I have never seen any like them and eveyone I have showed them to has said the same. They all want them!

  3. I miss yard sales! Only 40 more days, and I hope to be going to them myself! How do you find the best ones in your city?


    (Following from WW!)

  4. Hi Stephanie,
    I find most of the yard sales on craigslist in my area. There are very few in our newspaper (probably because they charge $25.00 for one ad - which I find outrageous!). I do check the online newspaper though. As we are out and about we just make note of the address on the signs posted around town.
    We have a lot of small towns around and they have the city wide yard sales every year, they post on craigsliat too.
    Thanks and I hope you come back to my blog again.
