Sunday, April 11, 2010

Curbside & Kmart

My son has been fixing the basement up like a rec room for him and his friends to hang out. Recently he informed me he "needed" an entertainment center to put the T.V. and game consoles, etc on. He has been watching on "craigslist" for a free one, because I said I was not buying one. So as we are traveling home today I saw this computor desk on the curb. It wasn't bad looking at all. ( I was hoping he didn't want it so I could put our other PC on it). So we went home got the truck and went back for it.
It is really rather heavy so we waited til his dad got home to get it into the house and basement.
I just went down and checked it out and it works perfectly.

I think I will have him remove the keyboard tray and I will attach it to a table my Aunt gave me that I have been contemplating making into a PC desk. (Something for a future blog).

Later I was on "freecycle" and saw a post that someone was giving away some 2x4's. I contacted her and she said she has had 3 people "not show up" for them. So Dave and I ran down to see if they were of use.
We got 10 2x4x6's and a few other pieces of wood. We are wanting to build a shed on the back of the garage to house my gardening things. So that is just 10 less 2x4's I now have to buy!

My mom asked me to run her out to Kmart today. They are having quite a clearance sale on their winter things most $1.99, I did not find any clothes but, I did find me a new bag to carry all my "other" stuff to work in . The  BONUS besides it being only 99¢ (orig $14.99) , it has crows on it!! Anyone who knows me, knows that I love crows.

I only buy a new purse when something goes wrong with the one I use. I don't even like carrying the darn things. When I do buy a new one I just go to the thrift store and I usually find something suitable for $2.00 or less.
I found this purse at Kmart ($19.99 orig price) for 99¢! I picked it up so now I have another on hand when my current one wears out. LOL.

No super coupon deals today. I only bought a few things we needed for the week. I am trying to use up our stockpile of food in our freezer.
 Back to work tomorrow so I will end. Have a good evening!

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